Joepie91 – I Make My Own Choices In Life But Please Pay My Bills

Yep, another embarrassment for JoePie91.

The barely adult man-child is begging on LowEndTalk for adults or teenagers, who are hardworking and productive to society while bringing in an income, to help finance his lifestyle choice of rather than living off the government to live off of donations. I believe that Joepie91 has this kind of “donation entitlement” mentality because of how popular Freenode founder turned PDPC owner Rob Levin, better known as lilo made this type of mentality popular and accepted.

For those familiar, me and Joepie91 do not get along. I’ve avoided him as his passive-aggressive nature and past being affiliated with Anonymous, he decides to dig up “dox” on anyone who he thinks is conspiring against him. His paranoia schizophrenia is probably why he relies on hand outs, donations and living off of others rather than receiving medical attention by a psychologist or medical professional while focusing too much of his time online rather than acquiring skills to be hired by businesses or going into business himself, where if he wanted, he could donate profits to organizations, groups, or projects.

Imagine that!!!

In the past, he has accused me of being “greedy” and “cashing in” which pays my bills but funny how many months later – being “greedy” has let me to acquire some big name clients, expand my business and go into new industries outside of hosting based on the connections I have made. By comparison, Joepie91 works on his CVM control panel, doesn’t work a day job or night job, is fluent in Farsi (or Persian? lol) and lives somewhere but somehow the place where he lives cannot accommodate him so he has to move and is begging for money.

To be honest my largest domain sale, which you have some criticisms about and have claimed some hilarious reasons not to support it, actually paid for a majority of the security deposit for my new place. I purchased domains, at market value, and the winner decided to spend $600 on my domains as the winner felt it was a good market price, considering the competition by others to acquire it, and felt $600 was fair enough. I took the $600, gave it to the property manager and I was handed the keys to my place!

Isn’t capitalism beautiful?

Hell, how many providers on that thread offered TO HIRE YOU AND YOU SIMPLY REFUSE BECAUSE OF YOUR IDEOLOGICAL, MAN-CHILD “CONSCIOUS”.  Suck it up, you remind me of when I used to work in fast food and somebody with their first job comes in, has fun ringing up orders on a cash register and makes a nasty face when part of the job duties is to clean a bathroom. “I don’t clean the bathroom at my own house” well good, you’re going to learn today!

Unfortunately, Joepie91, this is how being an adult works.

You have to become regularly employed and decide how you want to spend the money coming in from your paycheck/salary. You have to say “first priority is rent and utilities, second is food, third is luxuries like cable TV or Internet, and last priority is going out and having fun”. This is why most individuals decide to do a budget.

Sven, what if your constant begging for donations runs out and you have to get hired by a normal, 9am – 5pm job, and you lack business experience as a donation supported basement dweller? Part of working is you establish work experience, skills, interaction with co-workers and learn how to work as a team rather than… a basement dweller working by himself.

If you need any advice on running a business, learning how to budget your money or possible starting your own business – I extend my advice, as Daddy Bamn, to all man-children.

Some hilarious man-child mentality observations:

Because I don’t feel a “proper” paid job (resulting in keeping the written code locked up, to just name one problem with it) contributes as much to society as open-source and non-profit projects do. (Source)

Profit = bad!!!!
Donations, which acquired from profits but for my benefit = GOOD!!!!

Sounds like JoePie91 is one of those “social contract” guys…

Quite honestly, I don’t feel like turning this thread into a “just get a job” argument. Getting a job is not an option for me because it involves several compromises of what I stand for. Commercial motives and closed source are only a few of those reasons, and several of the reasons are inherently present in the concept of having a “job”, no matter what kind of job. (Source)

Hey! My post is about GIMME GIMME GIMME and I didn’t ask for free advice! DONATE RIGHT NOW!!!

From that same source:
EDIT: Sorry if I come across as an asshole right now, but I have a lot on my mind and the attempts of certain people to start completely non-constructive arguments in a situation like this is working on my nerves.

I’m throwing a temper-tantrum like a man-child!!!!!

A logical contribution/advice to JoePie91:
And finally, to add something personal, i think you need your public attention which you never had during school and now get as “the crazy guy that’s trying to live off donations”. Just as you wrote on your homepage. But then please don’t overlook my comments as non-constructive just because they don’t fit in your religious view. (Source)

Good advice! Now, let’s see if it was well received:

I’d be equally fine with people donating the things I need, but that’s a bit of a logistical nightmare 😦     (Source)

Huh? We have an obligation to support you?

The funniest thing is, due to how JoePie91 conducts himself, everyone has to put a disclaimer like “just an observation” or “don’t take it personal” because if you disagree with him, which everyone has experienced between me and him, he airs out everything for “the community” (everyone else’s amusement like a circling of the wagon) and cannot conduct himself privately, with a private discussion, which proves the observation that JoePie91 may be suffering from some type of schizophrenia.

JoePie91, why did you charge $160 for “CSS3 box and text shadow generator”. Why did you rip him off with all that money?????

Daddy Bamn would like to welcome his man-child JoePie91 into the real world. Adults wake up each morning and have to decide: do I get up and go to work, bring in a steady income, or do I goof around? Unfortunately, dedication to projects with no business model except “I’ll ride these donations” is the only thing that has clicked in JoePie91’s head.

Granted, I respect him as a qualified programmer however I have questions about his personal issues and how he handles himself online. How about a business model of licensing and updates to CVM to HOSTING COMPANIES WHO WANT A SOLUSVM ALTERNATIVE BUT THERE ARE NONE AVAILABLE?


Oh, your morals and convictions…

See how far that gets you in life.

Daddy Bamn is done.

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